
    Last modified: 06.06.2024

    This legal notice also applies to social networks.

    tisoware Gesellschaft für Zeitwirtschaft mbH
    Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52
    D – 72760 Reutlingen
    Phone: +49 7121 9665-0
    Fax: +49 7121 9665-10

    Authorised representatives:
    Markus Steinberger – Managing Director

    Entry in the Commercial Register:
    Register number HRB 351776
    Commercial Register
    Stuttgart District Court
    D – 70049 Stuttgart

    VAT Reg. No.:
    DE 146 481 390


    Commerzbank AG Filiale Reutlingen
    Unter den Linden 1
    72762 Reutlingen

    Consumer dispute settlement:
    The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which you can find by going to

    Information on professional indemnity insurance:
    Company name and registered office: Allianz AG, Munich, Germany
    Territorial scope of cover: Germany, Austria

    Responsible for the content according to section 55(2) of the German State Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
    Markus Steinberger – Managing Director
    Rainer K. Füess (ppa.)

    Last modified: 29.07.2024



    tisoware Vertriebs- und Support GmbH
    Wienerbergstraße 11, Turm A, 15. OG
    1100 Wien
    Tel +43 5 79977-10

    Authorised representatives:
    Markus Steinberger – Managing Director

    Entry in the Commercial Register:
    FN 429543g Vienna Commercial Court

    VAT Reg. No.:

    Commerzbank AG
    Niederlassung Wien
    Hietzinger Kai 101 - 105
    A – 1130 Wien

    Consumer dispute settlement:
    The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which you can find by going to

    Information on professional indemnity insurance:
    Company name and registered office: Allianz AG, Munich, Germany
    Territorial scope of cover: Germany, Austria

    Responsible for the content according to section 55(2) of the German State Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
    Markus Steinberger – Managing Director
    Rainer K. Füess (ppa.)

    This legal notice also applies to: (for D) (for AT)

    Picture and graphic sources:

    Disclaimer of liability

    1. Where this site contains direct or indirect references to third-party websites (“hyperlinks”) for which the author is not responsible, liability can only be assumed in cases where the author is aware of the content and where it would be technically feasible and reasonable to prevent the use of any illegal content.

      The author hereby expressly declares that, at the time of linking, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. The author has no influence of any sort on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked or connected pages. The author therefore expressly disclaims any association with the content of any linked or connected pages that were changed after the links were placed.

      This disclaimer applies to all links posted within the author’s own Internet content as well as to any third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums, link directories, mailing lists or any other form of database set up by the author to which external write access is possible. The provider of a linked site shall bear sole liability for any illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for any damages arising from the use or non-use of information presented in such a way and not the party merely linking to the publication in question.

    2. Copyright and trademarks
      The author makes every effort in all publications to observe copyright laws concerning pictures, graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts, to use his / her own pictures, graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts wherever possible, and to otherwise use graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts that are available in the public domain.

      All trademarks and brand names mentioned on the website, including those protected by third parties, are unconditionally subject to the terms of the relevant trademark law and the property rights of the respective registered owners.

      If, nonetheless, you should discover any copyright infringement on our site, please notify us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of any violation of copyright, we will promptly remove the content concerned.

      It should not be assumed that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties simply because a brand is named.

      The copyright to published material created by the author of the website shall remain the sole property of the author. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio files, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited without the express consent of the author.

    Legal validity of disclaimer
    If specific parts or wording of this statement are not, no longer or not completely covered by current legislation, this shall not prejudice the content or validity of the other parts.

    Liability for content
    “As the service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website under general laws according to section 7(1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to sections 8 to 10 TMG, the service provider is not bound to monitor any information transmitted or stored by third parties nor to search for circumstances that could point to unlawful activity. Although the foregoing does not affect the service provider’s obligation to remove or block the use of information under general laws, it shall only be liable from the point in time at which the service provider actually becomes aware of any specific violation of law. As soon as we become aware of any violation of law, we will promptly remove such content.”

    Liability for links
    “Our website contains hyperlinks to other websites which are outside our area of responsibility and over which we have no control. We therefore cannot be held responsible for the content of linked websites. The provider or operator of a linked site is solely responsible for the content. At the time of linking, these pages were checked for possible violations of the law. No illegal content was identified at the time the links were placed. It is, however, unreasonable to expect an ongoing investigation into the content of linked pages without any concrete indication of an infringement. As soon as we become aware of any violation of law, we will promptly remove such links.”

    Link to Privacy Statement:

    You can contact our Data Protection Officer as follows:

    The data protection officer of the proALPHA group of companies has been appointed as data protection officer. You can reach them at

    For the direct concerns of tisoware Gesellschaft und Zeitwirtschaft mbH, a data protection coordinator has been appointed who can be reached at
    Phone: +49 7121 9665-0